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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Client is greeted and separated from luggage immediately. Luggage is taken to a secure area for searching.
  • Client is taken to the medication room to be searched by a staff member (gender specific).
  • Client sits with staff to complete needed intake documentation.
  • Clients are provided with nutrients (water, sports drinks, snacks, etc.)
  • Client is taken to the medication room for medical assessments (vitals, drug testing, breathalyzer, medication audit of current prescribed medications, etc.)
  • Clients are given a tour of the facility and shown their room.
  • Meals are usually saved for clients coming in after hours.

This process is usually completed within a 45 minute to 1 hour period.

Clients are able to admit during any hours, with the assumption that our facility is a good fit for them. Clients would be screened prior to admission to determine suitability.

Our shifts are designed to have (3) or (2) staff members on during the evening shifts. This usually includes a staff member who is trained medically (nurse, medical assistant, etc.).

Standard detox medication protocols are usually sent to the pharmacy prior to the client’s intake if there is time between the screening and admission. Dr. Khalsa will review how the client is presenting medically once the medical portion of the intake is complete, to determine any adjustments that are needed, and when the client is to be seen by her (usually within an hour or two).

The goal is to stabilize medically, and begin building a foundation of recovery that will transition into their next step. This includes various assessments, treatment planning, group/individual sessions with an addiction counselor. Also, alternative groups conducted by refined facilitators (breathework, process groups, yoga/mindfulness, etc.). One-on-one meetings with a case manager who would assist in employment needs (FMLA, MLOA, STD, etc.) and the development of an aftercare plan with suitable referrals. 24/7 monitoring and interventions by technicians and medical assistants, with the oversight of nurse, program director, and medical director. Nutritionally balanced meals and snacks provided by a professional chef. Consistently cleaning is provided by staff and housekeepers.

Nurses provide complete oversight of the medication room, including: vitals, medication self-administration, intake/discharge, medication orders, urinalysis, labwork, crisis management, HIPAA/confidentiality, etc. Dispensing of medications ranges in the needs of the client, but there is a private medication room where medications are kept secure and clients are able to be assessed while maintaining confidentiality. Clients are able to communicate needs to staff at any time and oversight is provided 24/7 to determine what adjustments are needed. Dietary restrictions/allergies are communicated to medical staff and chefs prior to intake in order to provide proper nutrition. Chef is always approachable for taking requests. Vitals are usually taken between 5-6 times depending upon the needs of the client and needs for increased monitoring.

Without proper medical intervention the process of detoxification can be a very painful and overwhelming experience in which most people can’t make it through alone. Side effects such as restless leg syndrome, abdominal cramps, seizures, insomnia and more can create for a terrible experience in which the fight or flight response activates and typically runs. This creates for an especially dangerous opportunity as the users tolerance has started to go back down, so when they do decide to go get high “One more time” it is typically a recipe for a disaster which can result in a fatal overdose.

The bottom line is that it is highly recommended for people to detox within a medical facility that has the proper policies and procedures put in place in case something happens. Not to mention being around people who have successfully been through the exact same thing can be beneficial to each and every client as they have someone to relate with as well as being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Client’s discharge plans are collaboratively started from the time they begin treatment. It is the goal of the treatment team to motivate the client for the next LOC needed. If clients are in need to return home, our treatment team is able to provide well-fit local referrals for them for wherever they reside.

Recent reports from clients who have completed our program indicate every staff member has an authentic goal of providing individualized services while being attentive, warm, and overall supportive. All staff go the extra mile to build rapport with clients whether it’s developing a treatment plan or creating an impactful dialogue that makes clients feel like they are in a safe place to reach their goals.

If you have more questions we are glad to answer them. Please call us
at 818-239-7437

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